Healing & Certificate Courses  / Qigong & Energy Events  / Weekly Qigong Sessions

Lawrence Tse Qigong Energy Healing 氣功能量治療

By appointment 


For any sickness from unknown problem to severe illnessess like dying and Cancer

By Appointment, Private line: 60555387


癌症 - 氣脈疏通治療

Cancer - Healing Qigong

癌症-治療氣功 Advanced Healing QIogng for Cancer   

By Appointment, Private line : 60555387


Certificate Course:


Kids' Health & Full Brain Development


TCM(Traditional Chinese Movements) Energy Training for Children & Parents Certificate Course  

To be confirmed


氣功(氣脈疏通)治療證書課程 Level 1

Free talk & demo on COMING SOON

To be confirmed

Healing Qigong Certificate Course Level 1

To be confirmed


Energy Transmission Healing Certificate Course

能量治療證書課程 coming soon

To be confirmed


Regular weekly class:


中文治療氣功初班 - 廣東話教授 

 Wed 星期三/ 11am – 12noon




The Helena May

Health & Healing Qigong Course   - work on different Qigong form of specific healing purpose. Please check calendar
Mon / 7pm - 8:15pm


 Outdoor Class:                  Gathering Points

Friday Hong Kong Park Healing Qigong Session

Fri / 11am 12noon

Sai Kung Healing Qigong Class

Tue / 9am 10am

DB Discovery Bay Healing Qigong Class

Thu /  9:30 am 10:30 am


  Lawrence Tse 氣功能量治療 Qigong Energy Healing  - 接受個別奇難雜症,小毛病至嚴重病症如癌症


體之病患根本,是由氣血不通所引致。不痛之閉使身失調, 亦即是病患。能量治療正是從根木去處理病患之閉塞若能產生強大能量更能使治療更有效。謝耀立的氣功能量治療正是此等療法。




1.    發氣治療


2.    治療氣功動作




1.    極自然性的治療法

2.    此療法是從氣之層面,亦即生命之根本去處理病患

3.    無副作用

4.    持續練習會防止病患復發。

5.     亦改善整體健康

預約直線: 60555387


Master Lawrence Tse’s Qigong Energy Healing

All physical problems are caused by Blockages within the body. These blockages affect the functions of the circulating systems. The body malfunctions are illnesses.

Energy Healings are the most effective ways to clear the blockages, especially Healing Methods enhancing strong & huge Energy. Master Lawrence Tse’s Qigong Energy Healing is such one.

When blockages are clear, body functions resume normal. The body achieves recovery.  

There are 2 directions Master Lawrence Tse would apply towards physical problems

1.     Energy (Qi) Transmission

With 30 years Qigong Training, Master Lawrence could transmit strong and powerful healing Energy in his healing. He has been using it on many serious illnesses cases like Cancer patients and people who are dying in the hospitals, etc. There are a lot of cases have very strong positive result and eventually achieve recovery.

 2.     Healing Qigong Movements

Master Lawrence Tse is specialized on teaching Healing Qigong. All these Qigong movements are mainly soft and gentle, yet very effective on healing. Even sick and weak people can learn and practice them to gain great benefit. Many maintain the practice of this Healing Qigong for some time to achieve full recovery. 

The advantages of Master Lawrence Tse’s Qigong Energy Healing.

1.     One of the most natural Healing.

2.     Working the essence of the being – Energy

3.     No side effect

4.     Keep practicing Healing Qigong would prevent from recurrence.

5.     It strengthens overall health as well.

By appointment.

Private line: 60555387

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Energy (Qi) Transmission Healing Certificate Course

謝耀立氣功治療師練習氣功30餘年 , 從事氣功治療亦已有十五多年。 除了教授治療氣功的動作之外 , 他亦會進行能量發氣治療。在這麼多年裏, 他發氣治療不計其數, 很多還是重症, 如不同類型的癌病, 昏迷, 中風, 類風濕關節炎, 老人痴呆症及多種不同的嚴重病症等等。多年來, 已有不少的西醫醫生把他推薦給予不同的病人, 他的能量治療被肯定及證明是十分有效的。

在這個為期三節 , 每節三個半小時的證書課程 , 會對明白能量 , 學會能量發氣治療的每個細節 , 進行詳細的學習與訓練 , 務求畢業生最終能夠應用能量發氣治療。

時間:3.5 hr x 3

費用:HK$3800 全部課程 / HK$1500 每節

完成全部課程 3節學員, 可獲頒發證書

Master Lawrence Tse has studied and practiced Qigong for about 30 years. He has also working on healing for about 15 years. In his healing, besides he would teach specific Healing Qigong Exercises for patients’ physical problems, he also applied Energy (Qi) Transmission Healing. In these 15 years, there are many cases he has transmit Energy to heal.  Many are severe cases like different kinds of Cancer, unconsciousness, Stroke, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer's disease and other serious illness etc. There are number of Western Medical Doctors has referred him to their patients. His Energy Healing has been proved to be very effective to even severe illnesses as the Energy being transmitted is very strong.

This Certificate Courses is with 3 x 3.5 hr sessions. There would be plenty of practices and skills to make sure individual understand Qi, understand all the details of Energy Transmission Healing and to be able to apply such Energy.  It is an valuable chance to learn such a power skill.

Time: 3.5 hr x 3

Fee: HK$3800 Full Course / HK$1500 per session

Venue: to be confirmed.

Certificate would be issued to those who finish all 3 sessions.

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 Traditional Chinese Movements Energy Healing

(Healing Qigong Certificate Course)

 with Certificate issued by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of ROC


The TCM Energy Healing is a self-healing method. This Healing Method is using mainly simple and easy-to-learn Movements, especially those with good and strong Healing Power, from Martial Arts, Taiji & Qigong etc. In China, these Traditional Chinese Health Exercises has been established, developed and evolved very well for many years, some for over thousands of years. They are with effect to strengthening the body and the internal Qi, so as to improve health and heal the body.

Level 1

– Basic concept and general TCM Energy Healing application.


To understand how the Energy (Qi) circulation relates to health condition.

To understand the basic knowledge of TCM Energy Healing..

To apply corresponding Healing Movements towards some common physical problems to achieve self-healing.

Level 2

– Deeper concept and further TCM Energy Healing application.


To learn deeper concept of Body Health Condition relating to different kinds of Energy (Qi)

To learn how to perceive and understand the physical problems (Qi Blockages) through performance of TCM.

To apply Healing TCM on almost all physical problems. .

Level 3

- Advanced concept and advanced TCM Energy Healing application

To learn advanced TCM movements to be able to generate strong and huge Energy flow for healing severe illnesses, and to develop the hidden potential and power of self.


Level 1  

Healing Qigong Certificate Course Level 1
Sun / 10am -1:30pm /Oct 26, Nov 2 & 11

Fee: $HK4500

Vacancy: 8 persons per class
To be confirmed


Level 2 Part 1
Healing Qigong Certificate Course Level II part 2
Fee:  HK$4500

Vacancy: 8 persons per class
Venue: to be confirmed


Level 3
Healing Qigong Certificate Course Level III part 1
Sat / 2:30pm - 4:15pm /May to Jun

Fee: $HK$4500

Vacancy: 4 persons per class
 : To be confirmed


氣脈疏通(氣功)治療證書 Level 1,II & III  -由中國中醫藥管理局頒發認可證書


中國 ---- 數千年文化之大國,自古以來的醫學理論,皆認為人體之病患根本,是由氣血不通所引致。此等久遠流長之理論,直到科技發展一日千里的今天,亦一直於不少中國傳統治療法裏被加以應用,如針灸,推拿,穴位按摩等等,在現今西方醫學以精密科學研究為主,精確器材儀器為扶,的獨大主流架構下,仍然從源遠的傳統古舊社會,留存至今,亦替很多現代人,解決他們的身體毛病,改善體質,恢復健康,真正被證明甚具價值及行之有效的治療法。



練習氣功二十多年,從1996年開始以中文及英語教授氣功及治療與中外人事,曾任教於國泰航空公司會所,勵行會,Helena MayYWCA 及不同體健中心。曾多次被應邀以氣功,治療,能量,呼吸法及消除壓力等不同題目設講坐及示範,亦多次任身心靈大會作氣功講解及表演。老師上課非常用心,深受同學愛載。

本課程內容:完成此Level 1 課程,學員會學曉自我處理及自我治療一般性身體毛病,如腰,背,脊椎,肩膀,頸等等。 學員亦更明白身體問題,能以學會之氣功動作提昇健康及能量,可再進修讀Level 2 課程所學會此治療法更全面之知識及治療動作,能幫他人治療大部份人體病痛,成為正識治療師。Level 3 課程是以發輝治療氣功最強效力之學習,以之作處理嚴重疾病如癌症等及發揮人體潛能為主要方向。此氣脈疏通治療法之Level 1, 2 及3 課程乃由中國國家中醫藥管理局認可,批准,亦由其簽發證書。





氣功(氣脈疏通)治療證書課程 Level 1
費用: HK$4500


接受學員: 8 人
地址:To be confirmed

氣功(氣脈疏通)治療證書課程 Level II part 2
To be confirmed
費用: HK4500

接受學員: 8 人


氣功(氣脈疏通)治療證書課程 Level III part 1
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 Advanced Energ Healing

氣脈疏通治療  TCM Energy Healing

治療氣功 Healing Qigong

癌症   for Cancer

氣脈疏通治療是以中國傳統動作功法, 如氣功, 太極和武術等等, 來治療身體毛病。此等動作能帶動能量氣血, 疏通身體閉塞(病痛), 使身體復完及健壯。亦由於主要是以柔和及簡單動作為主,老弱病患亦適宜。氣脈疏通治療動作, 所產生的氣血 (能量) 推動, 能把閉塞的患處疏通, 除了能治療之外 , 更可 提升身體健壯。

氣脈疏通(治療)功法是經謝耀立氣功治療師經三十多年修練及治療經驗,修整改良,使功法動作以簡單易學為主,但極易產生針對性效用,來符合現代人生活習性,使更易被學習吸收 , 以致應用及更易產生效用之簡易實用氣功。

多年的治療癌症病人的豐富經驗及良好成績 , 有不少西醫醫生推荐他給他們的癌症病人 , 及剛完成療程 , 在休養康復的病人 , 也有病人從其他途徑 , 得知他良好的治療聲譽去找他給與治療。

 Traditional Chinese Movement (TCM) Energy Healing is an Energy Healing Method which heal with Traditional Chinese Movements, like Qigong , Taiji & Martial Art etc. The Movements would heal and strengthen physical body by generating Energy (Qi) to clear the blockages (illnesses) within, which is the causes of all illnesses according to the Chinese Medical theory and Energy medical theory. The Movements are mainly simple, soft & gentle. This healing would suit even elderly and weak patients as well. The Healing Energy would be generated by these Movements, mostly created by Master Lawrence Tse. Qigong would be the main Exercise being utilized in this healing as it is an energy work directly enhancing health & healing.

Master Lawrence Tse has been working and studying Qigong, Energy and these kinds of TCM Exercises for health, healing and unfolding human potential for over 30 years. He has make and created most of these Movements to be simple, easy and gentle to help others to be benefited from them in order to heal and shift their power within.

Master Lawrence Tse has been working on Cancer patients for many years. The extraordinary results have make number of Western Medical Doctors referring Cancer Patients & those who recovered from Cancer to his work. And other Cancer Patients have found their way to come to him by his reputation.  

這是一個採用精選的氣脈疏通療法動作功法, 去特別針對及幫助癌症病人, 使其得以提升身體健康及康復的計劃。

This is a program to especially  help Cancer patients to gain better physical conditon and achieve recovery with the specific TCM (Traditional Chinese Movements: Qigong, Taiji & Martial Art etc) Healing Exercises.

 剛完成療程 , 在休養康復的病人 , 也可參與, 使身體更健康 , 及防止癌症復發。

Those who recovered from Cancer are welcome to join and would also be able to gain better health. It would minimize the chance of recurrance.

 By appointment

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Qigong Instructor Program - Advanced Qigong Techniques Sessions

Sat (10:00am– 12:00noon) the 2nd & the 4th Sat of Each Month

In this Program, we will working on the deeper Energetic aspect of Qigong like the deep Energetic Meditating Power, advanced techniques of Qigong movements, deep energetic awareness, Energy communicating techniques and the Healing aspect of Qigong etc.  Besides it is a program to help working on the deeper and advanced power of Qigong, it is also to help and train people to be a Qigong instructor. Those who may not be thinking to be an instructor but are interested in learning the deeper aspect of Qigong can come to experience it.

Master Lawrence Tse has worked on Qigong, one of the most powerful well-known Energy Exercises, for more than 25 years. He has also kept studying Energy related tools from the West or the Ancient Knowledge. He is now offering this secret to the public and help individual to explore further Mind and Energy Power, as a result to shift the group consciousness for a better World.  It is an on-going program to help and train individual to be qualified Qigong instructors.


To be confirmed with details.

Hong Kong Park ( Tea Museum)


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Specialized Energy Workshops for enhancing

Kids’ Health & Full Brain Development


TCM (Traditional Chinese Movements) Energy Training Certificate Course Level 1, 2 & 3 for Kids (Parents are welcome to join together)

Level 1:氣脈疏通兒童證書班(歡迎家長一齊參與)

Level 2:氣脈強化兒童證書班(歡迎家長一齊參與)

Level 3:氣脈開發兒童證書班(歡迎家長一齊參與)

 Each Level: 8 sessions

 氣脈疏通(治療)功法是以中國傳統動作功法,以氣功為主 (氣功是提昇體質,治理身體, 發展人體潛能為主要唯一目的), 輔以太極和武術等等以其強壯身體作用的動作(只取幫助健康的部份), 來治療身體毛病,及強化體魄,所有功法以柔和,簡單易學有效為主。氣脈疏通(治療)功法是經謝耀立氣功治療師經三十多年修練及治療經驗,修整改良,使功法動作以簡單易學為主,但極易產生針對性效用,來符合現代人生活習性,使更易被學習吸收,以致應用及更易產生效用之氣功。

Traditional Chinese Movements (TCM) Energy Training is with Qigong as the main exercise, plus together with other Traditional Chinese Movements, like Taiji & Martial Art etc. Qigong is an Energy work fully on health, healing and exploring human potential. While only those movements from Taiji and Martial Art are for the same purpose are chosen to be used in this (Healing) Training. All the TCM Energy Movements are mostly simple and gentle. They are to help the Energy Circulation within the being and make the body parts function more properly and better.  Energy (Qi) being generated within the body would work directly to clear the blockages, which is the causes of all illnesses according to the Chinese Medical theory and Energy medical theory. Master Lawrence Tse has been working and studying Qigong, Energy and these kinds of TCM Exercises for health, healing and unfolding human potential for over 30 years. He has make and created most of these Movements to be simple, easy and gentle to help others to be benefited from them in order to heal and shift their power within.

此等動作能帶動能量氣血, 疏通身體閉塞(病痛),調整及壯健身體裏外一切機能(有形的包括,軀體如肌肉筋骨關節,臓腑如心、肝、脾、肺、腎、皮膚和腦部等等,一切循環系統如呼吸、消化、血液、淋巴、荷爾蒙和神經等等; 無形的身體不同能力,包括頭腦各樣作用,如智力、情緒、情感等,平衡、鬆弛、體力、內氣、神經反應能力、全身上下裏外協調能力等等), 使身體復完及健壯,亦不斷提升體質壯健。當身體越發健康,最終亦能引發及開發潛在潛能。亦由於主要是以柔和及簡單動作為主,老少弱壯佳適宜。

All the TCM Energy Movements are to help strengthening the Energy (Qi) to clear the Energy Blockages, path and Channels. It would be harmonize and enhancing the condition of the tangible and intangible parts of the body. The tangible parts are body parts , tissues, internal organs like heart, liver, spleen, lung , kidneys, skin and brain etc and circulating systems like breathing, digesting, blood, lymph, hormones and nerves etc. The intangible parts are different functions of the body like brain functions including intellect, feelings and emotions etc, body internal abilities like balance, relaxation, strength, Energy, nerve respond and whole body coordination etc. The TCM Energy Movements are all designed for enhancing all these functions and abilities. These movements will result in healing , better health and improving body conditions from inside out. Once the body becomes fundamentally healthy, the internal potential would be unfolded naturally. Also because of it is mostly simple, easy and gentle, the exercise is also even good for sick, old and young..

 此兒童(及家長)班是先(Level 1)調整及治理兒童(及成年人)大致整體身心狀况*1,再(Level 2)鞏固 一切健康重要元素*2,以使發育成長時,體質、頭腦、情緒、身體谷系統,更穩固健壯及健康,對一生健康打好強健根基,最終(Level 3)在良好體魄下,開發一切內在潛能*3

 The TCM Energy Children and Parents Certificate Courses are firstly (Level 1) to fine tune and heal most of the body issues and abilities of the kid’s (and adult’s) body*1. Secondly it will go to consolidate all the health elements*2. It will help a better and more healthy puberty. It will then make sure the body grow and develop into even more further better and more healthy even in the adult state. Thirdly, when the body thoroughly comes into such a strong condition, the inner - potentials would be much fully unfolded*3.

 *1: 大致整體身心狀况 --- 端正脊髓,強化骨骼,柔軟關節; 強化心肺功能、消化及吸收能力、免疫能力、身體自然排毒能力; 學會放鬆,自我減壓,平靜情緒,加強專注能力及能更有學習能力(腦部學習能力改善)等等。

*1 Fine Tune & Heal - proper spine condition, firm bones, supple joints, strong cardiopulmonary function, high immune ability, self detox power, relaxation ability, self stress release ability, calmness, focusing power and better learning and knowledge absorbing power etc.

*2: 健康重要元素 --- 身體裏外一切機能狀况(有形的包括,軀體如肌肉筋骨關節,臓腑如心、肝、脾、肺、腎、皮膚和腦部等等,一切循環系統如神經、呼吸、消化、血液、淋巴和荷爾蒙等等; 無形的包括,如頭腦、智力、情緒、平衡、鬆弛、體力、內氣、神經反應能力、全自上下裏外協調能力等等)

*2 Consolidating all these health elements - The tangible parts are body parts , tissues, internal organs like heart, liver, spleen, lung , kidneys, skin and brain etc and circulating systems like breathing, digesting, blood, lymph, hormones and nerves etc. The intangible parts are different functions of the body like brain functions including intellect, feelings and emotions etc, body internal abilities like balance, relaxation, strength, Energy, nerve respond and whole body coordination etc.

*3: 內在潛能 --- 失天靈感、預知能力、感應力、遙視、自我及對他人治療能量,(佛道家及西方社會的天目,天耳,天心)等等。

*3 Inner Potentials - Opening High Energy Points on remote abilities to receiving intuition, knowing future, Energy sensation, remote view, self healing and healing others power etc.


 Children are as pure and natural as plain paper. They could learn and absorb so much and well like a sponge. It is then necessary to have great guidance and teaching to help kids to develop in a proper and positive way. It is done properly, the inner potentials would be unfolded steadily. Qigong is an Ancient Energy training with thousands years wisdom. It can hardly be compared with ordinary modern exercises. People with modern mind can also hardly understand such an Energy work. The TCM Energy Training is especially be optimized and well tuned to be simple and easy to learn, yet effective in developing and improving the being form inside out in such a purpose. It is always to start earlier or youngers, as it would even unfold our inner potentials much more easily and fully.

 Per session :  HK$ 300 (Kid)     HK$500 (Kid + Adult)    HK$700 (2 Kids + Adult)

Full Course for 8 sessions : HK$2100 (Kid)  HK$3500 (Kid + Adult)   HK$4900 (2 Kids + Adult)

 Every Thu     4pm - 5:30m class    House of Light    

 Reservation would be necessary.

Details to be confirmed.

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Wild Goose Qigong   An Ancient  Powerful Qigong long form for  Great Health

In Chinese, Qi is Energy. Gong is Work or Exercise. Qigong is Energy Exercise especially for Health.

This Ancient Chinese Health Wisdom has been proved to be an effective Health training or Healing tool even in the modern World.

The well-known Wild Goose Qigong is a powerful and advanced Qigong with nearly 2000 years history. Originally it is mainly for advanced Qigong practitioners. Now Master Lawrence Tse has simplified the form into a number of individual movements. It would help even beginners to pick up this powerful form much more easily and be benefited from this advanced Qigong Exercise much more fully.


Beginners are most welcome to join.


Venue: The Hong Kong Park, in Front of the Tea Museum.

In Case of raining, will run in the entrance of the Green House.

In Summer, will run in the Indoor Game Hall ,either the Dancing Room or the Squash court (opposite to the Tram Station)


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梅窩治療氣功初班 Wui Woo Qigong Beginner Class

氣是能量, 功是運動或鍛鍊。
氣功是鍛鍊氣(能量)與及身體之運動, 此古中國之智慧結晶, 以能達致健康及治療疾病之效, 或甚至能發揮身體極致之能力為目的。
謝耀立氣功治療師練習氣功三十多年, 他對一切氣與能量提昇亦數有研究。

Qi is Energy. Gong is Exercise.

Qigong is Energy Exercise. This Ancient Chinese Wisdom is with tremendous power enhancing health & healing effectively , and developing essences of our being of all including the energetic one.

Morning Class

Mon 10:30am  - 11:30am

Fee: HK$280 per session

Monthly fee for 4 sessions: HK$940


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Healing Qigong Class

In Chinese, Qi is Energy. Gong is Work or Exercise. Qigong is simply Energy Exercise. Qigong is a powerful Healing Tool and Exercise as well. All our problems are energetic problems when we understand everything is truly Energy as the source and base. Illnesses are merely Energy Blockages. To work Energy towards our Physical problems, or actually any problems, are dealing with them directly on the root and creating Instant Healing or Effect.

In such class, it will start with working on individual’s issues with vary Qigong Movements. Often people could feel an improvement immediately in the class after they are practicing the appropriate Qigong movements that I set up for their particular issues.

Qigong is an Art with Ancient Chinese Wisdom, Taoism.  It is one of the most effective health and healing tools and Exercises.  It works on almost all levels of our well-beings including the mind, emotion, physical body and the Energy of our entire being.  Most Qigong movements are mainly gentle and soft, yet work directly towards Energy; it makes Qigong so helpful in improving health and effective in healing for all including old, weak and even sick people.

In fact Qigong could really help every one as besides it is good for enhancing health and healing, it strengthens the power of the body to detoxicate and staying young and fit, it also helps developing calmness in mind and emotion. These are most of the vital factors to stay healthy in such a busy life in modern time. 

To be confirmed

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Chen Taiji 19 Styles Class - Short Taiji Form for Health

Taiji is a powerful Health Exercise. It trains individuals with stronger legs and waist, tune relaxation deeper and whole body coordination better. All these vital factors would help maintaining good blood and Qi circulation for what a healthy body needs to be.

Taiji in Chinese wording actually means Yin and Yang. It is always when the field is changing from Yin to Yang or the other way round, it would generate Energy flow. Taiji Exercise is about keep moving the whole body gently from Yin to Yang or Yang to Yin, besides the Energy being generate within the body to strengthen all the body circulating systems, it would result in clearing Energy blockages for effective healing. Basically it would really make the body strong, fit and healthy no matter if you are weak and sick before or not.

Chen Taiji is one of the most powerful Taiji, yet often gentle, soft and flow like a silk or brocade moved by gentle breeze or wind. It is a beautiful Chinese Art with strong health enhancing and healing power.

The 19 styles Chen Taiji is just with 19 movements, which makes it much more easy to learn and practice for every one including brand new beginners comparing with the original long Taiji.

Master Lawrence Tse, who has been helping a lot of people to improve health and enhancing healing with his rich knowledge of Energy and Chinese Traditional Art of Qigong and Taiji, will lead us for this Short and Easy to learn Taiji Form --- 19 styles Chen Taiji.

Lawrence Tse @ 60555387


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Health & Healing Qigong Courses in Helena May

Mon /7pm - 8:15pm /please refer to the Calendar

The Helena May 35 Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong


Qi is Energy. Gong is Training. Qigong is Energy Training, for the purpose of healing and enhancing health. For each Qigong form, it will also serve specific purpose on health & healing differently.

In such courses, we will work on different Qigong forms. Those forms are mainly simple and gentle. It would be mostly good for beginners. It is mainly to hope people who learn the courses could apply Qigong for Healing and Health. This simple, yet effective health tool is actually the Chinese Ancient Wisdom that it has been utilized for thousands of years.

Please check the content, the specific Qigong form in the course and its specific healing purpose in the schedule of Calendar. www.healingqigong.com/schedule


Beginners and new joiners are most welcome.


Master Lawrence Tse is one of the most experienced Qigong teachers and healers in Hong Kong and he has been helping people on health issues for many years. This simple yet effective series, presented in weekly classes, is suitable for beginners as well as more advanced Qigong practitioners.


Venue: The Helena May

35 Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong


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廣東話 治療氣功初班  

星期三中午 12:45pm - 13:45pm  

氣是能量, 功是運動或鍛鍊。
氣功是鍛鍊氣(能量)與及身體之運動,  以能達致健康及治療疾病之效, 或甚至能發揮身體極致之能力為目的。氣功包含了古中國之智慧結晶。
謝耀立氣功治療師練習氣功二十多年, 他對一切氣與能量提昇亦數有研究。


練習氣功二十多年,從1996年開始以中文及英語氣功教授及治療與中外人事,曾任教於國泰航空公司會所,勵行會 ,Helena May,YWCA 及不同體健中心。曾多次被應邀以氣功,治療,能量,呼吸法及消除壓力等不同題目設講坐,亦多次任心身靈大會作氣功講解及表演。

費用: 每堂 HK$180 


滙智社   -  Wisdom CLub


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DB Healing Qigong Beginners Lesson

In Chinese, Qi is Energy. Gong is Work or Exercise. Qigong is simply Energy Exercise. Qigong is a powerful Healing Tool and Exercise as well. All our problems are energetic problems when we understand everything is truly Energy as the source and base. Illnesses are merely Energy Blockages. To work Energy towards our Physical problems, or actually any problems, are dealing with them directly on the root and creating Instant Healing or Effect.
In such class, it will start with working on individual’s issues with vary Qigong Movements. Often people could feel an improvement immediately in the class after they are practicing the appropriate Qigong movements that I set up for their particular issues.

It is a sessions to enhance health & healing with this Powerful Energy Exercise in a beautiful scene of DB. No previous experiences of any exercises required. Beginners are most welcome to join.

Master Lawrence Tse is one of the most experienced Qigong teachers and healers in Hong Kong and he has been helping people on health issues for many years. This simple yet effective series, presented in weekly classes, is suitable for beginners as well as more advanced Qigong practitioners.

 Every Thu : 9:30 am to 10:30 am (To be confirmed the exact date & time each week)
Monthly fee:  5 lessons = HK$1120

                   4 lessons = HK$940

                   3 lessons = HK$750

                   2 lessons = HK$540

        individual lessons = HK$280

in front of Wing on in DB Plaza

Tele: 60555387

lawrence@healingqigong.com  or dallas@picturefinders.com

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Sai Kung Healing Qigong Beginner class

In Chinese, Qi is Energy and Gong is Work. Qigong is simply Energy work or Exercise. When you try to understand it more deeply, you will realize that Qigong is an Art, an Ancient Wisdom, a unique technique to strengthen our health condition and also a Powerful Energy Exercise.  

 It is a sessions to enhance health with this Powerful Energy Exercise in a beautiful scene of Sai Kung. No previous experiences of any exercises required. Beginners are most welcome to join.

Master Lawrence Tse is one of the most experienced Qigong teachers and healers in Hong Kong and he has been helping people on health issues for many years. This simple yet effective series, presented in weekly classes, is suitable for beginners as well as more advanced Qigong practitioners.

Tuesday : 09:00 to 10:00

Monthly fee:  5 lessons = HK$1120

                   4 lessons = HK$940

                   3 lessons = HK$750

                   2 lessons = HK$540

        individual lessons = HK$280


 Water Front in front of the Car Park of Kau Sai Chau Golf Club

Contact:  lawrence@healingqigong.com

phone: 60555387 (Lawrence Tse)

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Friday HK Park Outdoor Healing Qigong Session working Energy in Nature  


Qigong is an Energy Exercise. While we doing Qigong, we are training our Energy and at the same time exchanging Energy with the Environment. That's why where we practice our Qigong is also very much important. Mostly I will feel stronger Energy when I am doing Qigong outdoor. I will also try to choose a spot with more fresh air and many plants near by. Hong Kong Park is one of the most beautiful big Park in HK and  with a convenient location.

It is a session work Qigong with Energy in nature rather than learning. You are most welcome to join us no matter you have learned Qigong before or not.

Will always be on except on Holidays, Typhoon or Heavy Rain Signals Black and Red

Friday morning Course :   

Time:   11 am to 12 noon  

Monthly fee:  5 lessons = HK$1120

                   4 lessons = HK$940

                   3 lessons = HK$750

                   2 lessons = HK$540

        individual lessons = HK$280


Venue: The Hong Kong Park, in Front of the Tea Museum.

In Case of raining, will run in the entrance of the Green House.

In Summer, will run in the HK Park Indoor Game Hall ,either the Dancing Room or the Squash court (opposite to the Tram Station)

Contact : 60555387/Master Lawrence Tse

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Learners' Comments

-- from Spontaneous Healing Qigong Course

Romaine Bamford : Hi Lawrence! Just wanted to le you know that after last Wednesday's session my morning meditation went really well. Usually I focus on my breath and count my breaths but after going quite deep on Wed night just listening to you I found it really easy to go deep on Thursday morning and not focus on anything except just being there. In generally, since doing the classes, I find that I have more stamina and energy and my balance has definitely improved. Also, I've really enjoyed it and I think you are an excellent teacher!  Cheers! Romaine (04/12/2006)

Margrit F. Tsang: During class yesterday I felt deeply relaxed and had a very good night sleep afterwards. Overall I prefer more active Qi gong, but highly recommend this Spontaneous Healing Qigong for someone that is new to meditative forms because your guidance during class is one of the best and most effective I have experienced. (30/11/2006)

-- from Healthy Living Gong Course

Romaine Bamford : Hi Lawrence! I find the balancing difficult in the early morning but I like the challenge. Thank you! Romaine

-- from Three-Circle Opening Channels Qigong Course

Romaine Bamford : Just thought you might be interested in some feedback which I think is as a result to the Qi Gong, especially the three circle opening channel practice. I feel incredibly well and energized. What more can I say?! I also feel it is very important just to do what you tell us in our own best way and then I think it will 'work' automatically. I hope this is helpful. Cheers!

Lucette Black : the three circle one, at the beginning, I wasn't quite sure I like it but as the time past, I think it is working in another way of energizing energy. The very last bit that we learned on Friday was quite good, I can feel the energy when bending down.


Comments from participants on the Qigong Energy Awareness Group Healing

From Caroline :

" Hi, Lawrence,

I just want to say that I found this evening's workshop wonderful. Considering that I only got off the plane from England a few hours ago, I feel really good - much better than when I started the evening.

I could tell that you were pleased with the way the workshop went.
Thank you very much, Lawrence.



PS I found something interesting/strange tonight. The hand energy is very, very strong now, but tonight for the first time my feet felt the same for a while. Is that strange?

Dear Lawrence,

now I shall attempt to reply about the Energy Healing. Actually, something did come to me very, very clearly during the workshop. I was having some trouble with pain in my stomach. This is a pain that I used to get all the time when I was younger. I used to call it my 'tension pain'. It always came on if I was nervous or worried or trying very hard at something. A few years ago I started doing Raja Yoga Meditation and positive thinking. Of course my mind and thoughts changed a lot, I became more peaceful, and I got the 'tension pain' less and less frequently. Life seemed much easier, and much less complicated because I did not worry any more about things that I cannot change.

I possibly had the pain because I had been traveling a few hours before, and I was tired, but also because, probably, I wanted to 'feel' something during the workshop. It is almost like trying too hard. Maybe it is what you say about the mind working and not the heart. I don't know. Anyway, during the session I had the intention that this pain should leave, that the tension should go from me, and I must say that by the end of the session, it had gone. I was very pleased about that.

Also, I would like to let you know that I have had a little 'shift' since I sent you the last message. Suddenly I realised that maybe the best way to moving the blockage is to stop trying too hard, to stop trying to remember all the movements, and to do some spontaneous qigong. So far, so good. It seems to be working a bit - I just have to keep going with this for a while, I think. It seems to help me to
'feel' better, how things are..

I am so glad that you felt a big change in yourself. Actually, it was easy to see in you that night.



From Romaine :

Hi Lawrence!
I feel strong enough now to let go of some fears that have been limiting my behavious - or I think I do!! and also I feel more generous and giving. I thought the energy moving was very beautiful and very touching. See you tonight. Love, Romaine

From Judith M

Dear Lawrence,
Thank you for a most pleasant and wonderful evening.
I came away feeling profoundly relaxed. There was good ‘energy’ in the room, whatever that actually means, and I especially enjoyed some of the movements, such as the flying bird…

Anyhow, many thanks once again,
Warmly, Judith

From Lawrence:

I at first thought I might not be benefited as much as you guys did on that healing section.
I then found that my Energy was being shifted too.
What most of you have mentioned in your reply email, I actually felt them too.

These few days, I felt quite easily to sleep well & deep. No only could sense Energy sharper, I am also able to feel stronger and go deeper during my regular Qigong practice. When I was tired either after an Energy Healing or finishing working all day, practicing Qigong recharges me much more easily and obviously. As what I have saw Romaine the other day, she was showing a calm & peaceful Energy all over her, I felt that it was happening to me as well. It is like I just know what to do in these few days without questioning about it in mind. I believe I have developed a stronger sense of self, being more centered and able to connect to my inner feelings stronger. It is like I have achieved something (that I am quite sure) and feeling more rounded. I am still excited and enjoy very much up to these moment after the group healing section. You have probably seen it through my writing.


Comments from participants on Seven-Star Opening Energy Points Qigong

Dear Lawrence
Just to let you know I practiced the Seven Stars the other day when I was trying to shake the ill feeling and within hours I was feel 100% ok! :)
Love and Light



As a Zen-Shiatsu practitioner, I am aware of the importance of Meditation and of the Tan Tian in our health process.

Practicing Qi Gong with Lawrence helps me improve my energy level and sensitivity, and is dear to me as self-care, as in return I am able to help more people around me.

During the guided Meditation following the practice at the Enhance energy core QI GONG today, I felt and witnessed 3 energy balls rising up from my Tan Tian, as if strenghtening and clearing my core. When they reached my head, I could feel my spine moving gently by itself and was seing colors in a different way. I was in a state of deep relaxed alertness, welcoming sensation, listening and following Lawrence's instructions.

Then my whole notion of self dissolved for a fraction of second. I became aware of the matter energy level, not quite the same than people around me, yet, not different. I ended the session very energised and centered.

Quite an inspiration to keep on a regular practice! I believe it is something we all have and when cultivated is blossoming, and recommend QI GONG practice with Lawrence 200 percent!


Anne Cousin

Zen-Shiatsu practitioner

Somatic Movement Educator




Anne Cousin 分享了 Tao & Zen 相片

2012年12月16日17:31 · 

  • Alchemy is in the air.
    Lately a synchronicity of events milestone of it was during 2 meditations, at Su Bong Zen Monastery and with Lawrence Tse , led me to fully give sessions from the dimention of we are ONE, and it opens perspectives, remove fear and questions... 
    And I have come to read about a Quantum Shiatsu today...Wowing.


"I had a major back surgery in the US which affected my walking and my gait. I was recuperating, however slowly. Then I began taking Healing Qigong lessons with Master Lawrence Tse. Lawrence began by teaching me three simple movements, while also teaching lessons about Qigong. I practiced these movements daily. After just three lessons, I could not believe my improvement!! I was walking very naturally, and my gait was normal again. I have continued with lessons and performing the movements, and I find that I continue to heal, strengthen, and improve.

Lawrence has also sent Healing Qi directly to my spine. Through this, I have experienced healing on more levels: physical, emotional, and spiritual. I would highly recommend anyone in need of healing or improvement to engage Master Lawrence Tse for Healing Qigong.

Anne Cahill"

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 House of Light:  3595 2134        www.houseoflight.com.hk

rm 504, 5/F, Kai Wong Commercial Bldg, 222 Queen's Road, Central

Hong Kong Park: Lawrence Tse @ 60555387

In front of Tea Museum / Dancing Room of Indoor Game Centre in Summer

Shakti Healing Circle: 2521 5099

701 Glenealy Tower, 1 Glenealy, Central

Sai Kung : Lawrence Tse @ 60555387

Waterfront in front of the Kau Sai Chau Golf Centre Car Park

DB Discovery Bay: dallas@picturefinders.com or Lawrence Tse @ 60555387

DB Beach close to the side of Plazza, 2 level with shelter in Plaza in case of raining

The Helena May or Lawrence Tse @ 60555387

35 Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong

滙智社   -  Wisdom CLub
